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[中文名称]: 艾蔓婷
[品牌类型]: 内衣品牌
[公司名称]: 法国艾蔓婷(国际)服饰有限公司
[地  址]: 香港九龙旺角弥敦道678号华侨商业中心15C
广州纤爱服饰有限公司是一家集设计、研发、生产、销售为一体的内衣公司,生产工厂坐落在美丽的岭南侨乡城市——广东普宁。公司拥有的生产设备及的设计水平,公司严格按照ISO质量管理体系运作,在生产及管理过程中贯穿品质至上的信念,从原材料到成品都具有严格而科学的检验标准。公司拥有"TMTING艾蔓婷"、“韩婷娜”两大。艾蔓婷品牌与流行趋势同步,时尚,尽现女性的活力与魅力,为消费者提供的内衣产品,内衣时代的新纪元。公司坚持以“品质,精益求精、诚信经营、共同发展”为宗旨,勇于变革,自我,真诚希望与广大经销商朋 ...查看全部>>
品牌故事:爱与美丽的天使 一如爱情的浪漫动人…… 在这个爱的季节里…… 就连空气也应该充满爱的媚惑芳香, 终成眷属的人们穿越过无数世纪的媚惑…… 男女主人公们在无数次的困惑与挫折前面、仍不退缩…… 只因心里至始至终都有着那坚定的信念…… 在充满爱的媚惑芳香世界里,毫不隐藏的对理想和主张的向往…… …… 爱与美丽! …… 所以, 在“爱与美丽的天使”赐于你幸福与爱的时刻, 爱美丽…… 艾蔓婷…… 散发出了魅惑芬芳随之而不断增强…… “爱美丽---是人类与生俱来的天性,人们已经懂得用遮挡的衣物来添加属于自己的那一份美丽,从古到今对于追求美丽的信念是如此的契而不舍。爱美丽的人,她用所处的各个不同时代审美观所赋予对自己感官上的享受。爱美丽的信念,她是衡量人们心目中所表现出来对‘真、善、美’的标准,爱美丽--艾蔓婷。 Brand Story: Love and the beautiful angel As touching romantic love…… In this season of love…… Even the air should be filled with love Meihuo aromatic, Married people through numerous century Meihuo…… Men and women at the heroine of countless times in front of confusion and frustration, not retreat…… Because heart Zhishizhizhong have Zhena firm belief…… In loving Meihuo aromatic world, not to hide the longing for the ideals and ideas…… …… Love and beautiful! …… Therefore, In love with the beautiful angel thanks to you in a moment of happiness and love, Beautiful love…… Ai Man-ting…… Distributed to the temptation fragrance and then continuously enhance…… Little Beauties, is the birthright of human nature, people already know how to use the shelter of their own clothing to add that a beautiful, beautiful since ancient times for the pursuit of faith Is so Qierbushe. Love of the beautiful people, she used a different era in which conferred by the aesthetics of their senses on the enjoyment. Beautiful love and faith, she is a measure of the minds of the people shown by the truthfulness, benevolence , The United States, the standard, love beauty - Ai Man-ting. 品牌理念:活力、时尚、舒适 经营理念:诚信 执着 开拓 创新 服务理念:贴心满意、客服至上 人才理念:以人为本、强专而飞 营销理念:实效营销、务实严谨 生产理念:一丝不苟、精益求精 品牌口号: 爱美丽、艾蔓婷   广州纤爱服饰有限公司是一家集设计、研发、生产、销售为一体的内衣公司,生产工厂坐落在美丽的岭南侨乡城市——广东普宁。公司拥有的生产设备及的设计水平,公司严格按照ISO质量管理体系运作,在生产及管理过程中贯穿品质至上的信念,从原材料到成品都具有严格而科学的检验标准。 公司拥有"TMTING艾蔓婷"、“韩婷娜”两大。   艾蔓婷品牌与流行趋势同步,时尚,尽现女性的活力与魅力,为消费者提供质的内衣产品,内衣时代的新纪元。   公司坚持以“品质,精益求精、诚信经营、共同发展”为宗旨,勇于变革,自我,真诚希望与广大经销商朋友一起携手共进,开创美好未来! Brand concept: energy, fashion, comfort Business philosophy: integrity perseverance pioneering and innovative Service concept: intimate satisfaction, customer service first Personnel philosophy: people-oriented, and the strong - Marketing idea: effective marketing, pragmatic, strict Production concept: the letter, the better Brand slogan: love beautiful, Ai Man-ting Guangzhou defibrillators love costumes Co., Ltd. is a design, development, production, sales as one of the underwear company, production plant is located in the beautiful Lingnan famous hometown of overseas Chinese cities - Guangdong Puning. The company has advanced production equipment and first-class professional design standards, the company strictly in accordance with ISO international quality management system operation, in the production and quality management throughout the course of the supremacy of faith, from raw materials to finished products have a strict and scientific test. The company has TMTING Ai Man-ting, Ting Han-Na two well-known international brands. Ai Man-ting brand and fashion trends simultaneously, leading fashion, women now make the vitality and charm, to provide cons









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