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[中文名称]: 三俪
[英文名称]: SUNNY
[品牌类型]: 内衣品牌
[公司名称]: 广州市三俪服饰有限公司
[地  址]: 广州市越秀区广园西路222号名商天地龙头大厦11032
形美俪人内衣服饰集团总部位于香港新界,国内总部位于广州,广州市三俪(SUNNY)服饰有限公司,隶属于香港形美俪人服饰集团,是一家集研发、设计、生产、销售、培训、推广、服务为一体的修正型内衣公司。2006年至2010年,公司一直以承接OEM为主,顺应市场需求于2011年初公司注册了自有品牌“形美俪人”“三俪”“女子密码”等自主品牌,研发形体文胸内裤,我们的每一位形美俪人都以严谨的态度,致力于女性的美丽与健康,形美俪人正迈着稳健的步伐迅猛发展,有美丽的地方就有形美俪人。Slimladyunderwe ...查看全部>>
品牌名称: 三俪 品牌风格:
英文名称: SUNNY 品牌层次:
品牌类别: 内衣品牌 地  区: 广州市越秀区广园西路222号名商天地龙头大厦11032
品牌故事 传说18世纪中叶,古希腊有位美丽女神赫拉(Hera),她的美丽、智慧令世间所有人与物在她面前都为之失色、动容,但她却冷若冰霜,尤其对爱情丝毫没有一点兴趣,整天只沉迷于研究各类服饰。一天,神箭手杜尼斯公爵在打猎时偶然遇见赫拉,赫拉那如苹果般饱满的胸部,如柳枝般摇曳的腰肢和高挺的臀部令杜尼斯公爵对其一见倾心,于是便过去招呼,希望可以她谈一会,赫拉不愿接近异性,一口拒绝了杜尼斯的邀请。回去后杜尼斯彻夜难眠,不久就相思成疾了。。。眼看着越来越消瘦的杜尼斯,身边贴身女侍卫Sunny心里异常焦急,某一天阳光明媚的早上,sunny远行千里终于寻到了正在专心缝制鱼骨内衣的赫拉,此时早上的阳光洒在赫拉金色的卷发上灿灿发光,印在赫拉白如凝脂的脸庞上更是千娇万媚,高挺的胸部、细细的腰肢和那微微翘立的臀部。。。。这一刻sunny也惊呆了,这就是主人杜尼斯为之着魔的女人,这种美貌女人都会为之动容何况。。。。!可却又总觉得少点什么!少点什么呢?sunny轻轻的走过去:尊敬的赫拉小姐,或者您的光彩需要我的主人杜尼斯公爵的欣赏,这样是否会更。。。。?赫拉睁大那蓝宝石似的眼睛问:那么您的主人能像欣赏我一样喜爱我的内衣吗?您知道对于一个没有伴侣的美丽女人来说,内衣就是我的另一半,我贴身的情人,您知道女人只有爱惜自己,爱到骨髓里才能美到,所以。。。“是的,完全没有问题!您跟我回吧,我相信拥有梦想和爱情才是这个世界上丽、动人、的女人”SUNNY激动的说。从此赫拉和杜尼斯过上了幸福的生活,几年以后在杜尼斯的协助下赫拉成功制作了件无骨内衣,为纪念sunny成就美好姻缘杜尼斯公爵夫人决定将此内衣命名为sunny内衣,很快sunny内衣在欧洲间一时,淑女、太太们无不以拥有此物为豪!这就是初的形体内衣! Legend in the middle of the eighteenth Century, the ancient Greek goddess Hera has a beautiful ( Hera ), her beauty, wisdom, make all the people and things in front of her is pale, move, but she was as cold as ice, especially for love no interest at all, addicted to study various types of clothing. One day, Archer Dunis Duke in hunting met Hera, Hera that such as apple like full chest, such as switchgrass as swaying waist and strong hips to Princess Dunis on its love at first sight, and then went to greet, hope can she talk, Hera would not close the opposite sex, refused Dunis the. invitation. After the back Du nice at night, soon Acacia into disease... As more and more angular Du nice, side close-fitting female bodyguard Sunny abnormal heart anxious, one day sunny morning, sunny travel thousands of miles has finally find are concentrating on fishbone underwear sewing Hera,the morning sun on golden curls of the Hera Hera luminous, printed in white as a source of face is even more 1000 Johnson million Mei, tall, thin waist and chest that slightly warped thehips.... This moment sunny was shocked, this is the owner of Dunis to a woman, Wowo, this beautiful woman will cry and.... ! but also feel something! Less of what? Sunny gently walk : Dear Miss Hera, or your glory to my lord Duke Dunis enjoy, whether it will be more perfect....? Hera with the sapphire eyes asked: so your host like enjoy much as I loved my underwear? You know for a want of beautiful women, underwear is my other half, I most intimate lover, you know a woman only to love yourself, love to the bone marrow to the utmost beauty, so... " Yes, no problem! You and me, I believe that the dream and love is the world's most beautiful, most beautiful, the most perfect woman. " SUNNY said excitedly. Now Hera and Dunis live a happy life, after a few years in Du nice assisted by Hera successfully produced the first piece of boneless underwear, to commemorate the sunny achievement good marriage Du nice Duchess decided to put the underwear named sunny sunny underwear underwear, soon in Europe between the Royal become fashionable for a time, ladies, ladies all have this pride! This is the first body underwear! 品牌定位 一、品牌目标:打造形体内衣品牌 二、品牌理念:倍舒适、倍呵护(关爱女性每一天) 服务:贴心服务; 产品:的产品 三、消费定位:一切爱美女性 四、产品系列: 时尚舒适系列 健康舒适系列 形体舒适系列 尊贵奢华系列









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