品牌名称: 优娜 | 品牌风格: 欧美风、原创设计师、都市通勤风 |
英文名称: | 适合年龄: 25~48岁 |
品牌类别: 女装品牌 | 地 区: 广州市荔湾区周门路9号金鼎产业园8号1楼 |
品牌介绍: (优娜定制)简称优娜。品牌由香港设计师StevenHo及其女儿Mentos Ho创立,品牌以白鸽高贵脱俗的灵气为写照、奥黛丽·赫本的典雅和玛丽莲·梦露对生活的激情为设计风格,将二十世纪女性的写照融入设计,令消费者有更深层次的心灵体会和认同。
独到的版型,的进口面料,设计师巧妙的设计布局,修饰各种身材缺陷,这正是优娜品牌获得消费者青睐的依据。经典的设计元素加入了现代的诠释,端庄时尚大方的连衣裙,搭配精致的饰品,带出摩登高贵的气质,持久永恒,经典耐看。 (advanced customization you-na) referred to as Ula. The brand was founded by thefamous Hongkong designer Steven Ho and his daughter Mentos Ho. The brand wasinspired by the noble and refined spirit of the white pigeon, Audrey Hepburn'selegance and Marilyn Monroe's passion for life as the design style, and thetwentieth Century feminine portrayal was added to the design to allow theconsumers to have a deeper understanding and recognition.
The unique version, the advanced imported fabric, thedesigner's ingenious design and layout, and beautify all kinds of staturedefects, which is the basis of the preference of the consumers. Classic designelements are added to modern interpretation, elegant and elegant dress, withexquisite ornaments, with modern noble temperament, lasting eternal, classicpatience.